Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bosnian Food Pantry

For the past three Saturdays, Jubilee has been the host site for a food pantry that serves on average 55-70 families, most of which are Bosnian. Jubilee is honored to participate in this very worthwhile cause. It's a good use of our building space. This is a ministry that was started and supported by Kirkwood Baptist Church. Sasha Zivanov leads this effort. You may have seen Sasha, his wife Mira and their son on Sunday morning. Here's a few pics!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jubilee In The News

If you get the southside journal, you'll see this article about jubilee on the 3rd page. Click here to view online.

Helpful Series?

One of the passions of the Jubilee elders is to serve the people that God has so graciously entrusted us with the responsibility of leading, shepherding, teaching and praying for. We do so with great humility and care, making sure to "proclaim to you the whole will of God" (Acts 20: 27). Therefore, a lot of thought and prayer goes into what we teach on Sunday.

This is one of the reasons why we are currently presenting to you a 3 part series on Heaven, Hell and the Second Coming of Jesus. The first two are complete and can be heard on our website. I am grateful that both of them have been well received. The third and final message will be delivered this Sunday by John Lanferman. I will be away on vacation, but will be praying that it will be a blessing to you by deepening your love for Jesus and equipping you in your service of Him.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Friday Night Challenge

I'm so pumped how many of us are going to Celebration MW this year! I'm convinced that the weekend will significantly impact our church. Let's expect big things!

As a reminder, this time Celebration doesn't happen over a three-day weekend so our time together is a bit abbreviated in comparison to previous years (one less main session). Moreover, one of those sessions is Friday Night (June 6). That meeting starts at 7:30 pm, which means to get there, check in, eat and get to the meeting on time, you probably need to leave Saint Louis 2:30 pm on Friday (it's about a 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive).

I just wanted to give you a heads up so that you can either take a half day off or if your job allows you to use flex time, you can plan and prepare for that.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Living With No Regrets - Another Preview at Wentzville

I often think about the moment when my life on earth passes away and I find myself face to face with Jesus. That moment where my life is presented to me and I am judged for how I used what God was so gracious to give me. That moment where the reality that everything of this earth will eventually pass away (cars, home, career, hobbies, leisure) and only the kingdom will remain is crystal clear. I think about that moment in light of what I give myself to today. When I do that it faith arises. When I do that taking risks for the kingdom don't seem like risks anymore. In fact, in those moments it seems like not stepping out in faith as a bigger risk!

I love where Jubilee is living these days. Big dreams, big plans, big payoff, big risk. Tomorrow (5/18) we have another preview at Wentzville. Another step forward in seeking the kingdom payoff versus playing it safe. There is a cost - money, time, resource, energy, emotion, relationship, and the list goes on. Sometimes, that cost captures my thinking. And when it does, I feel retreat creeping into my soul. But when I think about that moment when we are all face to face with Jesus, the reality that it is worth it a 100 times over, floods my soul. Is that where you are living? I hope so. I hope you are living your daily life in light of eternity because if you are, you will live a life of no regrets. That's where Jubilee wants to operate - the no regret zone. And by God's grace we will.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Action Track

If you belong to Jubilee, you have the ability to make community life happen. Leadership can set the table, but it's you that makes it work or not work. Therefore, I want to sincerely encourage you to do so. One way that you can do that is to plug into group life through Action Tracks. If you do, it will not only benefit you, but those others as well.

And for those who haven't gotten plugged into an Action Track yet, you now have a new choice:

The main focus of this track is to raise money for our annual Free Camp for Kids by having a Jubilee Summer Sale on Saturday, June 28th! If you're interested in selling your possessions, helping the poor, and/or having an administrative blast - chances are very high that you'll enjoy being a part of this track.

Location: Kingshighway building
Facilitator(s): Amie Fox
Time: 7pm

For more info on other tracks available, click here.

Do You Want a Good Marriage?

Most people get marriage wrong. That isn't me judging, but rather just telling it like it is. 80% of marriages since 1990 have failed (people who were married after 1990). It doesn't have to be this way. You can chose to have a good marriage.

A step in the right direction would be to listen to John Lanferman's message on marriage from this past Sunday at Jubilee, City Location and live out guidance he has gleaned from Scripture.

To do so, follow this link:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Grander Vision

Proverbs says something very interesting to us about vision. It says without it you perish. No, you don't physically's much worse than that. You die spiritually. You give up, you give in. Spiritual atrophy sets in and you become a church attender that settles for minimal participation. You start to live for other things like a career, a hobby, a paycheck, a good report card from your child or a relationship you really want to happen. None of those things are bad things, but according to the Bible, they are like filthy rags compared to knowing Christ and living for Christ.

At Jubilee, we must go for the Grander Vision. We must not settle for the serene life and in doing so miss out on a life that is full of purpose and excitement. To pursue the Grander Vision, you must be constantly envisioned. You must do what you can to receive vision. One of those things is attending Celebration MW where vision is imparted by the truck load. I am so thrilled that 177 of us are going this year! If you want to join us, I would encourage you to do so. You can get registration info by following this link.

Lets live the Grander Vision!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Great Idea for Angel Food

For those who were at Jubilee this past Sunday or downloaded the message online, heard a fantastic talk from Matt Sweetman on "Gospel Neighboring". In that message he encouraged us to be looking out for ways to serve people who were in need. A suggestion of his was to get involved with Angel Food Ministry.

Well a new member of Jubilee, Camika Bell, had a great idea on how to serve and get her co-workers involved. She put out a can to collect money in her office (she got her boss' OK) to buy a boxes of food through Angel Food for others! What a great idea!

Mother's Day and Marriage

Attention Sons, Daughters and Fathers:

Don't forget about your mother this Sunday. Send her a card or flowers, or better yet, bring her with you on Sunday to Jubilee. She will be greeted warmly with a flower. She will also get to hear John Lanferman talk on marriage, and I don't think I've anyone better on the subject. Everyone who is there will be blessed.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week of Prayer Recap

I just wanted to thank everyone who came out for the week of prayer. It would not have been the same without you. We had a great time of encountering God's presence and petitioning that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

These quarterly prayer events are very important to our church. I want to encourage you to make these time special on your calendar as well, particularly the Friday Night Prayer and Celebration. Here are the prayer dates for the rest of the year:

- July 28 - August 1
- September 29 - October 3

**On September 13 & 14 (a Saturday and Sunday night), we will have our annual "Acts 13" meetings, which are incredible times of prayer, praise and prophecy. This is such a huge event that we will be flying in two prophetically gifted men over from the UK (Julian Adams and Jeremy Simpkins)