Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sharing the Love...How to Get Involved

Here's a a copy of recent post on The City from Seth Hein, Director of IT for Jubilee on how to get involved in Share the Love.

Jesus showed us great love by giving His life to serve. In the same fashion, we want to live our lives serving our city. So, this September we are going to log 1,000 hours of community service to show the St. Louis area the love of Christ. Service projects are already organized, all you have to do is sign up!

To see a list of projects, join the Share the Love group (just click the link, then click the join button). From there, if you click the Events tab at the top of the page, you’ll see a calendar with all the events available. Just select one that fits your schedule, and RSVP!

The first event is on Saturday, September 11th where we will serve in the 9/11 remembrance day with the United Way. We have 50 ppl signed up so far (42 on Sunday and 8 via The City).