This is why membership is a big deal at Jubilee. To be a member is to come to the understanding that God has called you to commit yourself and be accountable to a local group of believers and in turn have that group of believers commit themselves and be accountable to you. It's rich, rich community that is help together by the Holy Spirit and made possible by the blood of Jesus.
We are just about to finish our Why? series...a very foundational series that explains why we believe and practice what we believe and practice. After listening to this series, if you feel your heart joined to Jubilee, I would encourage you to become a member. To do so:
- Download our membership covenant on our website (look at step #2 under "how to become a member)
- Sign it and give it to an elder or mail to our offices
- Once we receive this covenant from you, an elder will call you to see if you have any questions about Jubilee or what it means to be a member
- If you have been baptized as a believer, we will then recognize you on a Sunday morning as a Jubilee member