Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thank You Graphic Designers

Recently Jubilee Church was recognized with an award from the US Local Business Association (USLBA) for "Best in St. Louis" in the "worship" category. We received this award because of our positive image in the community. Now normally, I would be a bit shy about this and even a bit turned off by it. However, I wanted to use it to bring two things to our attention (those who are a part of Jubilee Church).

1) We do have a positive image in the community. I have received several comments from business owners, local politicians and citizens over the past year that they are glad we are here in South St. Louis City. One of the marks of a Biblical community is to have your good deeds praised by those outside the church, even though they may not like our message. Consider 1 Peter 2:12, "Keep your conduct among the Gentiles (non-believers) honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers (they reject our message), they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation (when Jesus returns)." This verse says that an authentic, Biblical church will be both vilified and validated. Some will say, "I don't agree with them". But they will also say, "But I'm glad they're here". That's happening with us. We should rejoice about that.

2) We have talented people. Another big reason why we got this award was our website. I would like to publicly thank my wife Rachel and Dan Brindley for playing a key role in the design of our website. They worked tirelessly on this project as they have on many other projects. There are many others in the church who offer their gifts and talents to the church in an excellent way. This is the way the church should function...people offering their best and performing at the best of their ability. After all, we are going for an imperishable wreath! (1 Cor 9:25-26)

Anyway, we are not in this to win awards. Like I said earlier, I'm kind of embarrassed to even mention this, but it highlights for us a couple of positives that I thought I would point out. Happy Thanksgiving.