Reason 1: We value the mission of Jesus.
We exist individually and corporately for one reason: to fulfill the mission of Jesus. Everything else must take a back seat. Moreover, to stay in tune with this mission, we need consistent envisioning or we begin to forget the mission we've been called to (the vision dies - Proverbs 29:18). With this in mind, the elders put a high value on Jubilee Church being exposed to "envisioning opportunities" like Celebration Midwest. It's possible to exist as a church, but not really be alive with the vision called has called us to be. We don't want to be that church.
Reason 2: We value community.
Community is not just a buzz word for Jubilee, but it's something we are absolutely committed to. At the very least, this means we strive to "have the same mind" (working together toward a common goal), and we are committed to one other's well-being spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, etc. One of the ways that we can practice community is to all come together as one to be envisioned about this mission we are on together (see reason 1) and two we can contribute financially to help those who can't afford to go so they can participate in this opportunity as well. I don't want our church to be divided up between the people who can afford to go and the people who can't. Our decision to pay for everyone through a special offering is a way for us to practice community as well as generosity. We will be receiving this offering on April 25 and May 2. For those who can afford it (only you know), a suggestion maybe to give the amount of your registration and then consider giving an amount to send another individual or family. However, whether you give a lot, a little or nothing at all, our hope is that you still go.
Against the backdrop of a failing economy and increasing individualism, this is an opportunity for the Church to shine!
To learn more about Celebration Midwest and why it's important, check out promo video #1 & promo video #2. Click here to register. If you are a Jubilee member or regular attendee, contact the office ( for the Jubilee Church discount code.
Video 1
Celebration 2010 from Jubilee Church on Vimeo.
Video 2
Celebration Midwest 2010 Invitation from Jubilee Church on Vimeo.