Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ladies: Get Dressed Up

Guest Blogger: Rachel Mowrey

The Annual Jubilee Women's Gathering is a time I look forward to. It's a time of really enjoying friendships with women I am joined in heart with as well as a time to meet and become more familiar with women I may see in the church but have not had a chance to connect with. It is a time of togetherness and celebration as we relax, chat, enjoy great coffee and food, but most importantly, as we worship God and fix our eyes on Him. It has helped many of us refocus where we may have gotten off course. I would describe the Women's Gathering as luxurious since we can all fully participate...there are no families to look after or serving responsibilities to attend to. I love the opportunity to simply languish in God's presence alongside my sisters in Christ.

There is a real sense of safety and sincerity in our times of worship and teaching and I believe the teaching has always ministered to specific women along the way. God has been very faithful to reveal what it is He wants to say to us as a body as we have gotten together to plan these events and I have been encouraged to hear afterward how the teaching specifically spoke to various women and met them exactly where they are at. The times of prayer are powerful as we take time to minister to those who have specific needs and many women have received words and encouragements from the Holy Spirit that stay with them forever.

This time around, I expect God to meet us once again and renew our passion for Him. I sense that God has plans to release women from things that may keep them from experiencing freedom and joy as well as healing women in mind and body. I look forward to hearing testimonies of how God spoke to individuals and how women stepped out to use their gifts so that other women may be built up and spurred on in their walk with Christ. Each of us has a part to play and is vital to keeping our collective body healthy and alive...I pray that if there are any Jubilee ladies hesitant about attending for any reason, whether insecurity, financial difficulty, lack of time or just plain disinterest, that their hearts would be stirred to see just what God can do. He may change you, or use you to administer God-honoring change in another woman's life. Come with expectation to meet your Father...he won't disappoint!

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