Friday, February 8, 2008

The Leaders You Didn't Know You Had

Every other month, the elders drive down to the Lake of the Ozarks to spend 5 or 6 hours praying for the needs of the churches in Newfrontiers USA as well as abroad. Yesterday was one of those days. These are powerful times of experiencing the presence of God and getting caught up in the wider scene of what God is doing.

Well, what ends up happening, is you get prayed for by leaders that are not your local leaders. And they are not empty prayers full of false hope and empty wishes, but are powerful prayers and prophetic words rooted in a deep faith in who God is and what He says He wants to do in and through us. So I thought you might to be encouraged to know that there are leaders beyond your local leaders who care deeply about you and your growth and you reaching your full potential in Christ.