Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is Everyone Sick?

Sickness is spreading through St. Louis like a....well, like a disease. Just about everyone I know is sick or has been sick in the past few weeks. It's such a big deal, I heard the announcers talk about it on the Blues broadcast the other night. My wife told me the doctor's office was as crowded as she has ever seen it.

There are a lot of practical things we should all be doing like washing our hands, getting plenty of rest, and drinking plenty of water. But I also want to remind us to pray for one another. A bright spot in my family's sickness was when I put to bed my feverish, ear-infected daughter (she's so lovely) and she asked me "will Jesus make me feel better?" Not only was I able to pray for my sick daughter, but it gave me an opportunity to share the gospel with her. I was so thrilled!

Pray for your kids. Pray for your co-workers, relatives and neighbors. And when you do, share the gospel. God just may do an inside-out healing!