Action Tracks
Winter/Spring 2008
Action Tracks are a key part of GROUP LIFE at Jubilee Church. Action Tracks are small groups that meet twice a month and around a specific subject or task. They are specifically designed to encourage community and will be easy environments to grow together. They are short term (3-4 months) so everyone starts at the same point.
Please look over the choices below. NOTE: there will be limited numbers per track but don’t worry if you didn’t manage to get in the track of your choice, there is always next time.
1. Marriage Enrichment
Whether you are newly married or you’ve been married for a number of years, this group will offer tangible help to strengthen your marriage for years to come. This track uses the Alpha Marriage material. Participants will watch a video as a group then couples will pair off for one-on-one discussion. Childcare will be available upon request.
Start/End Date: January 9, 2008 – April 23, 2008
Location: Kingshighway Building
Day/Time: Wednesday, following the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM
Cost: $10 per couple (includes two manuals)
2. Good Sense
Good Sense seeks to offer solid, biblically-based teaching and practical, easy–to–use tools for developing healthy financial habits in a relaxed and interactive environment. This will be a classroom format, but one-on-one help is available upon request. Childcare will be available upon request.
Start/End Date: January 8, 2008 – April 22, 2008
Location: Kingshighway Building
Day/Time: The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 PM
Cost: $10 per person (includes one booklet)
3. Turning Point
Turning Point is designed for those people who would like to work through negative patterns of behavior or thinking, or tension in their most important relationships. This track will be based on the book Boundaries written by Cloud & Townsend. You will have the opportunity to discuss this topic with others (divided up by male and female).
Start/End Date: January 8, 2008 – April 22, 2008
Location: Kingshighway Building
Day/Time: The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 PM
Cost: $10 per person (includes one book)
4. Bible Study Methods
This track will explore 12 proven Bible study methods that will enable you to study the bible on your own. This is a great track for those who know very little of Scripture as well as those who would like to learn new approaches. Childcare will be available upon request.
Start/End Date: January 8, 2008 – April 22, 2008
Location: 601 S. Harrison, Kirkwood (63122)
Day/Time: The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 PM
Cost: $12 per person (includes one book)
5. Community Service
This track is designed to serve the needs of the Southtown community. This group will spend most of it’s time serving the Central Visual and Performing Arts High School and Rise Together Ministries. Childcare is not available.
Start/End Date: January 12, 2008 – April 26, 2008
Location: Will change week to week within the Southtown area
Time: Saturday morning following the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Cost: $0
6. Angel Food
Angel Food partners with churches and community organizations throughout the country to provide grocery relief. For $25, you can receive a box of food containing both fresh and frozen items. Food items are top quality and are produced by major food companies. This track will organize, develop and help administrate this service to church members and the surrounding community. Childcare is not available.
Start/End Date: January 12, 2008 – April 26, 2008
Location: Kingshighway building
Time: Saturday mornings (Specific Days TBA)
Cost: $0
7. English as a Second Language (ESL)
South St. Louis city has a growing immigrant population. One of the greatest challenges facing these people is the language barrier. This track will strive to teach immigrants the English language. To be a part of this track, it is only necessary that you speak English.
Start/End Date: January 9, 2008 – April 23, 2008
Location: Kingshighway building
Day/Time: Wednesday, following the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM
Cost: $0
8. Connect Series
The Connect Series is the Jubilee Church membership track. Those interested in learning what it means to be a member or would like to become a member should choose this track. After completing this track, those who feel joined to the mission, values and leadership of Jubilee Church and have been baptized by emersion are welcomed as new members.
Start/End Date: January 8, 2008 – April 22, 2008
Location: Kingshighway building
Day/Time: The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 PM
Cost: $0