As the church grew in Acts, more leadership was required to handle the growing needs of the church so that the church could continue to grow (Acts 6:1-7). And it seemed fit to the apostles that the church needed two kinds of local leadership. The first group are elders who provide spiritual leadership, equip, shepherd and govern. The second group called deacons serve the church by handling some of the administrative and pastoral responsibilities to free the elders to give primary attention to prayer and ministry of the word.
As Jubilee has experienced growth over the past few years (particularly this past year), the elders have studied the office of deacon and prayed about whether or not that office should be held and recognzied at Jubilee Church. We have come to the firm conclusion that it's not only a very Biblical idea, but is also necessary step in order to see Jubilee continue to grow and bless the St. Louis region as well as the nation and nations.
On behalf of the elders, Mike Lawson put together a paper on deacons that you can download by following this link.