Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Church Being the Church

The primary function of the church is to be a visible display of God's wisdom (Eph 3). A place where different people of different backgrounds and preferences love each other, serve one another and partner together to finish what Jesus started.

Most people can point out when the church seems anything like God's wisdom on display, but I want to tell you about someone at Jubilee who I think demonstrated why the church is a great place to be.

I recently heard of one of our single women gather together a bunch of moms and their toddlers for a brunch and toy giveaway. Seems like a simple thing, but let me tell you why it was a great thing. 1) It was unselfish. She put something together that wasn't intended to serve her, but served those she invited. She doesn't have kids. She's not a mother, but she wanted to serve them and build friendship regardless. 2) It was inclusive. It wasn't just her close circle of friends. There were people there that are close friends of hers, but there were also people she barely knew (not for long). 3) It was not initiated by the elders. For the church to do something, it doesn't have to happen in our four walls nor does it have to be leadership initiated.

This is not the only example floating around out there. Several others are taking an active interest to build into one another lives with a serving a loving attitude. Way to go church!