We have no idea what it's like to live in a country like Zimbabwe. It's pretty much unimaginable for us. We all got bent out of shape last year when the power was out for a few days. We wanted blood from Ameren. In Zim, they have a massive power outage every day and sometimes go without water. Here's a news article to read about the situation:Link
For those of you unaware of Jubilee's relationship with Newfrontiers, we are connected with over 500 churches in over 30 nations including Zimbabwe. And our relationship with Zimbabwe is not an artificial one or simply a name on a list. They have come over to be with us and we have been over there to be with them. And even though financially, we have more, it's feels like they have given much more to us. It's truly a blessing to be in relationship and on mission with them, as well as our other brothers in Newfrontiers.
Be in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe.