Keep it up! The year is almost over.
June's Reading Plan
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Everyone Wants to Be Missed
I think one of the worse things in the world is to be forgotten. I want to know that if I'm missing...I'll be missed. I want to know that there are people who care whether I'm around or not.
At Jubilee, we fiercely believe that God made us to know and be known. That we would walk out our days on earth knowing others and being known by others in a real and personal way. So while God is wanting to "fill the earth with His glory" by saving milllions (like in St. Louis), His desire is that they walk out this journey with Him and for Him together. That's why for us, Action Tracks are so huge.
I want to encourage you to sign up for a Track today by clicking here.
At Jubilee, we fiercely believe that God made us to know and be known. That we would walk out our days on earth knowing others and being known by others in a real and personal way. So while God is wanting to "fill the earth with His glory" by saving milllions (like in St. Louis), His desire is that they walk out this journey with Him and for Him together. That's why for us, Action Tracks are so huge.
I want to encourage you to sign up for a Track today by clicking here.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Celebration MW Deadline
Celebration MW Standard Registration Deadline is Monday, May 11, 2009. If you haven't signed up you and plan to do so, you better hurry! To sign up, simply log onto and click "FULL REGISTRATION" at the bottom of the page. If finances are an issue, request to speak to an elder at
We talk a lot about community at Jubilee, highlighting the importance of interdependence. Interdependence is this idea that we rely on one another, understanding that we can do more together than we can on our own. This is true not only on the individual level (individuals need to be in community on mission), but it's true for churches as well (churches need to be in community with other churches on mission).
Because we are connected with Newfrontiers, we have participated in proclaiming the gospel not only to St. Louis, but our nation and even our world. We are currently in 8 of the top 100 cities in the US and 24 churches total. Internationally, we are 600 churches strong in more than 50 countries.
Celebration Midwest is a once a year opportunity for the churches in the midwest to come together to celebration all that God is doing among us and receive much needed envisioning concerning our future together. It's fun, inspiring and something you don't want to miss. For more info, log onto
We talk a lot about community at Jubilee, highlighting the importance of interdependence. Interdependence is this idea that we rely on one another, understanding that we can do more together than we can on our own. This is true not only on the individual level (individuals need to be in community on mission), but it's true for churches as well (churches need to be in community with other churches on mission).
Because we are connected with Newfrontiers, we have participated in proclaiming the gospel not only to St. Louis, but our nation and even our world. We are currently in 8 of the top 100 cities in the US and 24 churches total. Internationally, we are 600 churches strong in more than 50 countries.
Celebration Midwest is a once a year opportunity for the churches in the midwest to come together to celebration all that God is doing among us and receive much needed envisioning concerning our future together. It's fun, inspiring and something you don't want to miss. For more info, log onto
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, May 3 Leftovers Part 2
I think one of the biggest tensions the elders of Jubilee feel is structuring the church for growth as well as creating an environment for authentic and robust community life. It's so much easier to go for one and leave the other behind. However, we must go for both if we want to follow the New Testament layout for church life.
One of the most freeing ideas that we have come across is sourced from a book called A Search to Belong by Joseph Myers. In A Search to Belong, Myers explains four different types of "spaces" and how we can connect with others through each space. Below is a listed summary of his findings and how it relates to us.
A Summary of Joseph R. Myers' A Search to Belong
PUBLIC SPACE: "Public space happens when we connect through outside influences. It isn't about connecting person to person; it is about sharing a common experience. Think of fans at a football game, members of the PTA, shoppers at a grocery store. In each case an outside influence brings these people into a common grouping. They connect because of the outside influence, not because of shared personal information" (p. 41).
SOCIAL SPACE: Social space is often denigrated as superficial, but it is vitally important. "In many ways, social belonging is the 'small talk' of our relationships" (p. 45). The neighbor relationships of social belonging allow us to "share snapshots" of who we are with others. A shared social space also "provides a safe selection space for us to decide with whom we would like to grow a 'deeper' relationship" (p. 46).
PERSONAL SPACE: Personal space involves the sharing of private information. It takes place in a safe setting where trustworthy confidences are built. We connect through sharing private - although not 'naked' - experiences, feelings, and thoughts" (p. 47). The people to whom we belong in this space are friends or "close friends" rather than acquaintances.
INTIMATE SPACE: "In intimate space, we share 'naked' experiences, feelings, and thoughts. Very few relationships are intimate. Intimate relationships are those in which another person knows the 'naked truth' about us and yet the two of us are 'not ashamed'" (p. 50).
How This Applies to Us
The big issue in the American church world is that, in general, we settle for public space and social space. There is little interaction among church members outside Sunday. Our connection is limited to a "shared experience" (public space) or perhaps some small talk (social space). However, if we are going for New Testament community life, our relationships have to go deeper! We have to be real with one another...but not necessarily everyone. That is where I think the tension is for us in Jubilee and where Joseph Myers can be helpful.
Those of us who are passionate about personal connections, who like our gatherings small and intimate, will naturally struggle when we show up on a Sunday morning because we don't know everyone. The reasoning being that we don't have the same family feel like we did when we were smaller.
As a church grows, members need to be comfortable and understand that there are different levels of connecting with people and that is actually a healthy thing. Sunday morning, for example, is more and more going to resemble "public space" where your connection with some people is purely an experience. Now if that is all it is for you (a Sunday experience), that's an issue, but that is where Action Tracks come in. Let's not forget that the community portrayed in Acts 2:42 was 3,000 people how did they achieve such deep community? Well, they met in the temple (Sunday) and in homes (Action Tracks). So are Actions Tracks where we develop deep, authentic community? Yes and no. Because in an Action Track we are still bringing people together who may not have previously met, it can most accurately be described as social space. Action Tracks are medium sized groups (10-20 people) that provide a great opportunity to meet new friends, but it may not be the best place to "get real" with one another although that could happen.
So how do we connect deeply with one another? Developing deep, authentic community won't be found in simply attending Sunday (although that's an important part of the process) and it won't be found in simply attending an Action Track. Our hope for authentic community is that we come together and share a common experience on Sunday that would lead us to a social environment like an Action Track (or serving together), and from those environments we would connect with 3 or 4 people and begin to do life with one another (share personal space).
One of the most freeing ideas that we have come across is sourced from a book called A Search to Belong by Joseph Myers. In A Search to Belong, Myers explains four different types of "spaces" and how we can connect with others through each space. Below is a listed summary of his findings and how it relates to us.
A Summary of Joseph R. Myers' A Search to Belong
PUBLIC SPACE: "Public space happens when we connect through outside influences. It isn't about connecting person to person; it is about sharing a common experience. Think of fans at a football game, members of the PTA, shoppers at a grocery store. In each case an outside influence brings these people into a common grouping. They connect because of the outside influence, not because of shared personal information" (p. 41).
SOCIAL SPACE: Social space is often denigrated as superficial, but it is vitally important. "In many ways, social belonging is the 'small talk' of our relationships" (p. 45). The neighbor relationships of social belonging allow us to "share snapshots" of who we are with others. A shared social space also "provides a safe selection space for us to decide with whom we would like to grow a 'deeper' relationship" (p. 46).
PERSONAL SPACE: Personal space involves the sharing of private information. It takes place in a safe setting where trustworthy confidences are built. We connect through sharing private - although not 'naked' - experiences, feelings, and thoughts" (p. 47). The people to whom we belong in this space are friends or "close friends" rather than acquaintances.
INTIMATE SPACE: "In intimate space, we share 'naked' experiences, feelings, and thoughts. Very few relationships are intimate. Intimate relationships are those in which another person knows the 'naked truth' about us and yet the two of us are 'not ashamed'" (p. 50).
How This Applies to Us
The big issue in the American church world is that, in general, we settle for public space and social space. There is little interaction among church members outside Sunday. Our connection is limited to a "shared experience" (public space) or perhaps some small talk (social space). However, if we are going for New Testament community life, our relationships have to go deeper! We have to be real with one another...but not necessarily everyone. That is where I think the tension is for us in Jubilee and where Joseph Myers can be helpful.
Those of us who are passionate about personal connections, who like our gatherings small and intimate, will naturally struggle when we show up on a Sunday morning because we don't know everyone. The reasoning being that we don't have the same family feel like we did when we were smaller.
As a church grows, members need to be comfortable and understand that there are different levels of connecting with people and that is actually a healthy thing. Sunday morning, for example, is more and more going to resemble "public space" where your connection with some people is purely an experience. Now if that is all it is for you (a Sunday experience), that's an issue, but that is where Action Tracks come in. Let's not forget that the community portrayed in Acts 2:42 was 3,000 people how did they achieve such deep community? Well, they met in the temple (Sunday) and in homes (Action Tracks). So are Actions Tracks where we develop deep, authentic community? Yes and no. Because in an Action Track we are still bringing people together who may not have previously met, it can most accurately be described as social space. Action Tracks are medium sized groups (10-20 people) that provide a great opportunity to meet new friends, but it may not be the best place to "get real" with one another although that could happen.
So how do we connect deeply with one another? Developing deep, authentic community won't be found in simply attending Sunday (although that's an important part of the process) and it won't be found in simply attending an Action Track. Our hope for authentic community is that we come together and share a common experience on Sunday that would lead us to a social environment like an Action Track (or serving together), and from those environments we would connect with 3 or 4 people and begin to do life with one another (share personal space).
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sunday, May 3 Leftovers Part 1
In my message this past Sunday on Community, I concluded by saying the greatest enemy of building NT community is self-love. The gospel, however, puts our attention on God and others. Here's how we can apply the gospel to everyday issues that will help us build community.
What if somebody wrongs me?
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)
I'm tired and I get asked for help
But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service
coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. (Philippians 2:17)
I start asking, ‘How will this affect me?’
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of
others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus … he humbled
himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross! (Philippians 2:4-5,8)
I open my wallet?
See that you also excel in this grace of giving … For you know the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you
through his poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:7, 9)
Friends urge me to join them in sinful behavior?
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same
attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin … They think it
strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they
heap abuse on you. (1 Peter 4:1,4)
I find other Christians difficult to get on with?
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
(Romans 15:7)
I get in a position of power.
Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants
to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but
to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:42-45)
I see other Christians in need?
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we
ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and
sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? (1 John 3:16-17)
What if somebody wrongs me?
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)
I'm tired and I get asked for help
But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service
coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. (Philippians 2:17)
I start asking, ‘How will this affect me?’
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of
others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus … he humbled
himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross! (Philippians 2:4-5,8)
I open my wallet?
See that you also excel in this grace of giving … For you know the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you
through his poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:7, 9)
Friends urge me to join them in sinful behavior?
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same
attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin … They think it
strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they
heap abuse on you. (1 Peter 4:1,4)
I find other Christians difficult to get on with?
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
(Romans 15:7)
I get in a position of power.
Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants
to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but
to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:42-45)
I see other Christians in need?
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we
ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and
sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? (1 John 3:16-17)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Action Track Sign Up This Sunday
At Jubilee Church St. Louis, we believe that life is a team sport; therefore, Action Tracks (small groups) are integral to all that we do at Jubilee. As our church grows larger on Sunday, we grow smaller during the week. Action Tracks are a great way to meet new friends, grow in your relationship with God and make a difference. We encourage everyone to be involved in an Action Track on a weekly basis.
Action Tracks are groups of 10-15 people that get together each week throughout metro St. Louis to grow, have fun and meet new people.
More than 130 people participated in one of the nine Spring Action Tracks! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to sign up for the upcoming Summer Trimester.
You will be able to sign up for the track of your choice in one of two ways:
• Sign up on Sunday morning beginning Sunday, May 3
• Sign up on-line beginning Sunday, May 3
If you have any questions about Action Tracks or would like help finding other ways to get involved at Jubilee, contact Samantha Bryan at or call 314.832.9033.
Summer Trimester Choices
Tuesday Night Tracks
Connect Series: The Connect Series is the Jubilee Church membership track. Those interested in learning what it means to be a member, or would like to become a member should choose this Action Track. After completing this track, those who feel joined to the mission, values and leadership of Jubilee Church and have been baptized by emersion are welcomed as new members.
Region: South City
Location: Kingshighway Building
Facilitator(s): Bryan Mowrey
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Available upon request.
Walking on Water: Participants of this Track will read and discuss questions about the book If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg. This book will helps you answer Christ’s call to greater faith, power-filled deeds, and a new way of knowing him. This will be an incredible opportunity to discover the potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone.
Region: TBA
Location: TBA
Facilitator(s): Michael Whitmer
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: TBA
Hebrews Bible Study: Join us in a fun and relaxed atmosphere as we take an in-depth look at the Book of Hebrews. This group will focus on a parallel study and discussion that will follow the series from this summer's Sunday morning messages. We will dive a little deeper into the topics covered and discuss practical applications for living the messages being shared. Whether or not you've ever participated in a bible study, we're sure you will find this action track challenging, rewarding, and a whole lot of fun!!
Region: St. Louis County
Location: TBA
Facilitator(s): Mick Vedova
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Yes
Just Walk Across the Room: Discover how to partner with the Holy Spirit in a way that allows him to accomplish his kingdom-building activity through you. It has nothing to do with methods and everything to do with taking a genuine interest in another human being. This track offers a natural and empowering approach to evangelism which will equip and inspire you to follow Jesus' lead in extending care, compassion, and inclusiveness to people who might need a touch of God's love today. Just Walk Across the Room Participant's Guide by Bill Hybels will need to be purchased and is available for $10 at
Region: South City
Location: 4966 Sutherland Avenue, 63109
Facilitator(s): Amie Fox and Rebekah Kruvand
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Not available.
Love & Respect: This group will learn about (and improve!) male and female communication in marriage. This video & discussion group serves to answer three main questions: (1) Why do we negatively react to each other? (2) How can I energize my spouse to respond more positively? (3) What can I do when my spouse does not respond? Will God help? This enlightening and fun discussion group will help you understand your spouse and provide ways to enrich your marriage. Each couple is required to purchase a $7 workbook that will be made available at the first session.
Region: South City
Location: Kingshighway Building
Facilitator(s): Curt & Brenda McCutcheon
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Available upon request.
Wednesday Night Tracks
Purpose Driven Life: A book study. Cost of the book is $10 on
Region: South City
Location: TBA
Facilitator(s): Ginger Price
Childcare: TBA
Hearing God: In Hearing God we will discover and apply insights into how we can hear God's voice clearly and develop an intimate partnership with him in the work of his kingdom. After all, being close to God means communicating with him, telling him what is on our hearts and hearing and understanding what he is saying to us. We can learn to hear his voice and balance biblical principles of divine guidance with our own thoughts, personal desires, the advice of others, and daily circumstances. Hearing God by Dallas Willard will need to be purchased and is available for $11 (new) and $5 (used) on
Region: South City
Location: 3421 Missouri Avenue, 63118
Facilitator(s): Larry Mowrey
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Provided.
Grace-Based Parenting: There is a book to purchase that costs $10 at
Region: South City
Location: Bldg
Facilitator(s): Mike and Lisa Chance
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Yes
Sunday Night
Youth: At Jubilee, we believe that youth are as much a part of the church as anyone else. Our philosophy is not to create a completely separate program, but to include them with the adults as much as possible. Therefore, the youth will have an Action Track where they will gather weekly to learn and grow from the Bible and one another. If you are between the ages of 12 and high school senior, this is the track to sign-up for.
Region: South City
Location: Kingshighway Building
Facilitator(s): John & Kara Russo
Time: 6:30 PM
Action Tracks are groups of 10-15 people that get together each week throughout metro St. Louis to grow, have fun and meet new people.
More than 130 people participated in one of the nine Spring Action Tracks! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to sign up for the upcoming Summer Trimester.
You will be able to sign up for the track of your choice in one of two ways:
• Sign up on Sunday morning beginning Sunday, May 3
• Sign up on-line beginning Sunday, May 3
If you have any questions about Action Tracks or would like help finding other ways to get involved at Jubilee, contact Samantha Bryan at or call 314.832.9033.
Summer Trimester Choices
Tuesday Night Tracks
Connect Series: The Connect Series is the Jubilee Church membership track. Those interested in learning what it means to be a member, or would like to become a member should choose this Action Track. After completing this track, those who feel joined to the mission, values and leadership of Jubilee Church and have been baptized by emersion are welcomed as new members.
Region: South City
Location: Kingshighway Building
Facilitator(s): Bryan Mowrey
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Available upon request.
Walking on Water: Participants of this Track will read and discuss questions about the book If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg. This book will helps you answer Christ’s call to greater faith, power-filled deeds, and a new way of knowing him. This will be an incredible opportunity to discover the potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone.
Region: TBA
Location: TBA
Facilitator(s): Michael Whitmer
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: TBA
Hebrews Bible Study: Join us in a fun and relaxed atmosphere as we take an in-depth look at the Book of Hebrews. This group will focus on a parallel study and discussion that will follow the series from this summer's Sunday morning messages. We will dive a little deeper into the topics covered and discuss practical applications for living the messages being shared. Whether or not you've ever participated in a bible study, we're sure you will find this action track challenging, rewarding, and a whole lot of fun!!
Region: St. Louis County
Location: TBA
Facilitator(s): Mick Vedova
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Yes
Just Walk Across the Room: Discover how to partner with the Holy Spirit in a way that allows him to accomplish his kingdom-building activity through you. It has nothing to do with methods and everything to do with taking a genuine interest in another human being. This track offers a natural and empowering approach to evangelism which will equip and inspire you to follow Jesus' lead in extending care, compassion, and inclusiveness to people who might need a touch of God's love today. Just Walk Across the Room Participant's Guide by Bill Hybels will need to be purchased and is available for $10 at
Region: South City
Location: 4966 Sutherland Avenue, 63109
Facilitator(s): Amie Fox and Rebekah Kruvand
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Not available.
Love & Respect: This group will learn about (and improve!) male and female communication in marriage. This video & discussion group serves to answer three main questions: (1) Why do we negatively react to each other? (2) How can I energize my spouse to respond more positively? (3) What can I do when my spouse does not respond? Will God help? This enlightening and fun discussion group will help you understand your spouse and provide ways to enrich your marriage. Each couple is required to purchase a $7 workbook that will be made available at the first session.
Region: South City
Location: Kingshighway Building
Facilitator(s): Curt & Brenda McCutcheon
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Available upon request.
Wednesday Night Tracks
Purpose Driven Life: A book study. Cost of the book is $10 on
Region: South City
Location: TBA
Facilitator(s): Ginger Price
Childcare: TBA
Hearing God: In Hearing God we will discover and apply insights into how we can hear God's voice clearly and develop an intimate partnership with him in the work of his kingdom. After all, being close to God means communicating with him, telling him what is on our hearts and hearing and understanding what he is saying to us. We can learn to hear his voice and balance biblical principles of divine guidance with our own thoughts, personal desires, the advice of others, and daily circumstances. Hearing God by Dallas Willard will need to be purchased and is available for $11 (new) and $5 (used) on
Region: South City
Location: 3421 Missouri Avenue, 63118
Facilitator(s): Larry Mowrey
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Provided.
Grace-Based Parenting: There is a book to purchase that costs $10 at
Region: South City
Location: Bldg
Facilitator(s): Mike and Lisa Chance
Time: 7 PM
Childcare: Yes
Sunday Night
Youth: At Jubilee, we believe that youth are as much a part of the church as anyone else. Our philosophy is not to create a completely separate program, but to include them with the adults as much as possible. Therefore, the youth will have an Action Track where they will gather weekly to learn and grow from the Bible and one another. If you are between the ages of 12 and high school senior, this is the track to sign-up for.
Region: South City
Location: Kingshighway Building
Facilitator(s): John & Kara Russo
Time: 6:30 PM
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