Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Economic Stimulus Package

Checks from the US government are arriving in our mailboxes this week. Yahoo!! $600 per adult and another $300 per child (I love children). The reason we are getting these checks is because the government wants us to make an investment in the US economy primarily by spending it. So most of the country when they get these checks will go out and buy flat screens, buy vacations, buy furniture...some will pay off debt and some will save. Is there another option?

Yes. Don't invest it where moths and rust will destroy, invest it in eternal treasures (Matthew 6:19). Why use money to stimulate this economy, when you can stimulate heaven's economy?

Don't be afraid to let it go because you have a better possession and a lasting one (Heb 10:34)!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Week of Prayer Schedule

Jubilee's week of prayer is a quarterly event where the church gathers together throughout the week to pray for the advancement of Jubilee's mission to St. Louis and through St. Louis to the world. Fasting is encouraged. To learn more about fasting, click here. Childcare will be provided each night. Below is the schedule.

Monday: Wentzville Location gather from 7:00-8:30pm

Leaders gather from 5:30-8:30pm

Wednesday: City Location A-L (last name) gather from 7:00-8:30pm

Thursday: City Location M-Z (last name) gather from 7:00-8:30pm

Friday: Church-wide prayer + celebration from 7:00-9:00pm

A Man Good Time

A good number of men from Jubilee Church gathering at Dwight Rigel's property 90 miles East of St. Louis last weekend and had fantastic time. We fished, we started fires, we told stories (some were true), we shot guns, we cut down trees with chain saws and axes, we drove our vehicles in the mud, we ate rare steak without a plate or a napkin, and we camped in horrible weather and survived. I think it just warm enough to rain.

I can't wait to do it again next year!

It's been a while

It's been a while since my last post. There's a good reason for that...I finally took a few days off. It's been non-stop action at Jubilee since the beginning of the year and I saw an opportunity to relax and took advantage of that opportunity.

We had a great time as a family. I was also able to squeeze in a little fishing. I would love to show you pictures of the all the fish I caught, but unfortunately I struck out.

More posts will be coming soon.

Friday, April 18, 2008

No Jubileeite Left Behind

The elders at Jubilee Church are determined to leave no Jubileeite behind this year for our Newfrontiers usa Midwest Celebration. To help ensure that is true we are paying for everyone who signs up by April 27th. To help offset this expense, we will be taking an offering on April 27 and May 4 to send everyone. Be praying about what God wants you to give.

If you have never been, it is an outstanding time of being together, worshiping God and hearing outstanding teaching from guys like Terry Virgo and John Lanferman.

To find out more about this exciting event, click here.

Man vs Wild

Jubilee's men's retreat is just a week away. If you haven't sign up, email office@jubileestl.org to let us know you're going. If you need more info, follow this link.

We'll be camping out just 20 miles south of this morning's earthquake! But don't worry, earthquakes don't strike twice in the same place...or is that lightning? Anyway, it'll be fun no matter what.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Celebrating - Good for the Soul

I've had a few days to reflect on our celebration Sunday and my conclusion is a happy soul. It felt like heaven. I agree with the Psalmist who says, "For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting." In other words, it feels right and it is right. Everything that day was great: the fellowship time (thank you Pat, Sophia, Donna, Maxine and Norma Jean for preparing the food), fantastic testimonies from Faith, Martin, Daniel, Patricia, and Tom B, and, of course, the exuberant praise with thunder sticks.

We must never forget how good God is. One of the traps of the enemy of our soul is to get us to forget. That's why David says in Psalm 103, "Bless the Lord Oh my soul and FORGET NOT His benefits." And what are the benefits? He has saved us and separated us from our sin and it will never, never, never, never be counted against us (praise Jesus!). And more than that He has raised us up with Christ and has made us co-heirs to the kingdom and co-laborers in expanding the Kingdom. We have this unbelievable privilege to be an ACTIVE participant is seeing the lives of others changed forever. We are about changing being people's forevers. And the good news is that is happening on a regularly basis at Jubilee. And all I can say to that is praise Jesus! For He is good!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bible Reading Plan

In his fantastic message this morning, Rick encouraged us to read the Bible as a way to get to know the King (Jesus, of course). Here's a Bible reading plan that both Rick and I have found helpful.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Reminder: 9:30 am start

This Sunday will be a great day for Jubilee as we celebrate one year at our City Location. We will start at 9:30 am with a continental breakfast. For more info click here.

Action Track Sign Up

The winter/spring term of action tracks is headed to a close in April. We will start the spring/summer term in May. For more information and to SIGN UP ONLINE, click here.

Special Note: This term only last five sessions: two in May, two in June and one in July.